


Imagine Having The Clarity and Energy You Want…

Imagine Having The Clarity and Energy You Want…
Imagine knowing exactly what foods nourished and served your body and brain.
Imagine choosing what to eat, based on how you want to feel and perform.
Imagine prioritizing your self care so that you show up 100% on for important meetings and high level decision making for your business and your life.
Imagine having a tool kit for stress and negative emotions that liberated you from depending on vices like comfort food, drinking, smoking, scrolling, and the like.
Imagine a relationship with yourself that you are consistently hooking your future self up and seeing the benefits impact your life and health.  
Imagine having more patience and spaciousness for your kids, partners, employees, and strangers.
Imagine knowing exactly how to avoid exhaustion and burnout.
Imagine having full access to creating the health and the life you want.
This is the journey my clients experience when they work with me in my 6 month food and mood program.
They go from confused and tired to clear and energized.
All habit shifts are made with love (no willpower, no restriction, no deprivation) promise.
What are you waiting for?

With all the love,
Coach Chandra



“Chandra’s food and mood program is holistic; she helps connect every aspect of our human experience and to understand the interrelatedness.
I wanted more brain power, focus, and clarity: the food reset in Chandra’s program has helped me first-had experience the impact of the food I eat and the brain presence that is directly created. Having a baseline of nourishing food and then eating sugar on Easter showed me how sugar decreases my brain’s focus.
Understanding how to internally manage my mind and emotions has completely shifted my tendency towards burnout. She actually gives tools to internally lower stress. I have more energy, more clarity, a nourishing relationship with food, and a better connection to myself.”
“If you’re a founder feeling “burnout” or “mentally slower” with all the inbound (emails, projects, etc.) and outbound (initiatives, OKRs, etc.), it might be good to look at your relationship w/food.
I found a lot of benefit in working with Chandra“
DB. CEO and Founder






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