


Cleaning Products and Gut Health

Cleaning Products and Gut Health

As we are settling down, I am so happy to have a house cleaner. I enjoy tidying up and doing mundane daily tasks around the house, I find it actually really helps me transition and process my day. I do not enjoy deep cleaning, so I am very happy to have a house cleaner do just this. AND the cleaning products that are used in my house matter to me.

A new friend referred our new cleaner and as I got to know her story, I understood that her kids have some health issues AND they always come along with her to help clean.

When I asked what products she uses, she replied saying she was open to using mine.

I thought I would give it one chance, just to see what she used and see if I could be easy instead of “complicated and sensitive’… which is one of the main stories of my life. Starting out in 1984 as one of the very rare, at the time, kids with tons of allergies.

Fast forward to our new cleaning lady cleaning our house, I knew that day that her cleaning products weren’t going to work.

But there was a deeper issue at hand for me. I was thinking about her and her kid’s health.

I gently broached the conversation by asking her if she knows what I do for a living and then shared what I know about the link between toxin overload and health.

I share how in college I did a semester of speeches on the topic of organic. I share that I always buy and eat organic partly for my own health but also very much for the health of the farmers who are far more exposed to chemicals and pesticides.

After a smidge of shock and confusion, she said, “yes I would love to use your cleaning products and I will start using them in my business.”

My heart was so happy that she gracefully absorbed what I shared AND I think of all the other people’s homes (whom she cleans) that will also be positively impacted.

Health is a lifestyle. Yes, it is food. Yes, it is stress. Yes, it is habits… and yes it is our environment. Everything we put on our skin and breathe included.

So… from my heart to yours. I offer two great resources for you to reduce the toxins going into your body. One EWG.com website and two my amazon list of cleaning products I use.

With much much love and health
Your food and mood coach 

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